
Advanced Product Design for Industry 4.0, Part 1: Product Design

Posted by PNY Technologies on Mon, Jan 28, 2019 @ 02:09 PM

APD-4-BlogThe world is driven by innovation, and NVIDIA remains one of the largest contributors to the evolution of modern technology. With the advent of Industry 4.0, a world of possibilities never before considered becomes reality. Autonomous drones equipped with Deep Learning-enabled GPUs working alongside humans, “aware” of their surroundings. Vast amounts of data interpreted and quickly dissected to reach novel conclusions never before realized or inferred by human analysts that used to take days, months, or even years, saving time and resources, while delivering information vital to information age enterprises. Among these many advancements, the possibilities NVIDIA and Industry 4.0 bring to Product Design will revolutionize the future.

For years, the simplest and most efficient way to get your idea, concept, or design onto paper was to literally sketch it. However, sketching with handheld, pen-based development tools powered by NVIDIA Quadro adds a layer of interactive depth few can imagine. Combined with applications like Autodesk Sketchbook Pro or Adobe® Illustrator®, what were once flat sketches on paper are now 3D concept models, ready for delivery to product designers, saving significant time.

Before a product reaches the marketplace, it passes through innumerable design revisions and improvements.  This process is vastly improved by NVIDIA and Industry 4.0, allowing photorealistic model(s) to be viewed in a shared virtual space. Anything, from the interior of a home to the inside of a working engine, can be explored. This level of detail during the development cycle allows for a unified workflow across all departments. While Engineering works on internal details, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management can acquire the necessary materials and present investors, customers or clients with accurate product specifications and depictions. When everyone shares information, no department is left behind.

It’s not often that teams can work at the same location, let alone time zones or even continents.. Industry 4.0 capabilities close these divides, and provide a shared digital space for innovators, creators, and visionaries to exchange and enhance ideas. More than advancing technology, NVIDIA and Industry 4.0 seek to change how we work, and the ways we work together.



In this four-part series, explore how product development is changing, its challenges, and the new technologies being developed to transform design workflows.



Topics: PNY, Virtual Reality, NVIDIA Quadro, Digital Engineering, NVIDIA GPU, NVIDIA GPUs, PNYPRO, NVIDIA RTX Technology, Engineering, Turing, ray tracing, Tensor Cores, Quadro RTX, NVIDIA Turing Architecture, nvidia quadro rtx, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0

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