
DE Article: SuperWorkstations! (Where does it makes sense to invest your IT budget)

Posted by PNY Pro on Mon, Jun 17, 2019 @ 01:30 PM

Digital Engineering - SuperWorkstationsAs Brian Albright points out in his article for Digital Engineering on Superworkstations, the introduction of new multi-core CPUs, ultra-fast GPUs and terabytes of memory has made it possible for designers to now handle real-time simulation, rendering, virtual reality applications and complex data science on a desktop engineering workstation. The only draw back is the budget. In his article Albright interviews PNY, NVIDIA and other workstation experts to determine where it makes sense to invest your IT budget based on your workflow.

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Topics: PNY, Virtual Reality, Rendering, VR, Digital Engineering, NVIDIA GPU, PNY PRO, Quadro RTX, nvidia quadro rtx, data science, NVIDIA CUDA, SuperWorkstations

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